Project Research Center for Fundamental Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University Harada Group

Preparation of Supramolecular Complexes with Cyclodextrin

About Cyclodextrin (CD) Supramolecular Catalyst Using Modified Cyclodextrin
Preparation of Supramolecular Complexes with Modified Cyclodextrin Single-Molecular Imaging of Rotaxane Based on Glass Substrates : Observations of Rotary Movement of a Rotor
Structure Control of Supramolecular Complexes by External Stimulus-Responsive Molecular Recognition of CD for Polymer chains
Preparation of Supramolecular Complexes with p-Conjugated Molecules CD Crystal Structure Gallery

Single-Molecular Imaging of Rotaxane Based on Glass Substrates : Observations of Rotary Movement of a Rotor


We observed a single rotaxane molecule based on a-cyclodextrin (a-CD) attached to a fluorescence probe on glass substrates and estimate the rotary movement of a-CD as a rotor, which was measured by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). When a single fluorescence molecule was observed by TIRFM, the luminescence spot measured about 150 nm. Even if a-CD with a chromophore could show a rotary movement centering around an axis molecule of a rotaxane on a glass substrate, the three dimensional rotary movement of a-CD is difficult to be directly observed by conventional fluorescence microscopy techniques . Hence, we have employed the defocused wide-field imaging technique, which is manipulated by defocusing on a chromophore about 1 mm. The emission transition dipole orientation of a single chromophore molecule is determined by the characteristic emission intensity distribution. Herein, we observe the rotary movement of a-CD on rotaxane by measuring the emission dipole orientation of the chromophores.


Nishimura, D.; Takashima, Y.; Aoki, H.; Takahashi, T.; Yamaguchi, H.; Ito, S.; Harada, A.
"Single-Molecular Imaging of Rotaxane Based on Glass Substrates :
Observations of Rotary Movement of a Rotor"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47(32), 6077-6079.

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