On the street near Taiwan University
The front gate of Taiwan Universtiy
Seeking for some food in ShihLin night market
Continue seeking in front of an Oyster omelette 蚵仔煎 shop
Interesting advertisement
[Yi san ate duck!!]
[you are brave!!]
National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
Excursion: Zhishan garden
Prof. Kubo listening questions
Uchida san explain his research to Prof. Scott and Prof. Haley
Talking with a Chinese prof.
Drum playing show before the banquet
Japanese professors Karaoke
[It's Kubo sensei's turn]
[Triangle of great professors.]
[reunited after ten years of separation]
コメントは大部分をYiさんに書いていただきました。[ ]のみ細井。