[Articles are classified according to original paper (mark O), review article (R), book (B), translation (T), and miscellaneous (M). An asterisk attached to mark-letter indicates that the article has been published in Japanese. As for the articles which have not been reproduced in this issue, please ask the authors directly if you need.]
O-1 | Synthesis, Electronic and Morphological Properties of Tetrahedral Oligothiophenes with n-Hexyl Terminal Groups K. Matsumoto, S. Kugo, D. Takajo, A. Inaba, Y. Hirao, H. Kurata, T. Kawase, and T. Kubo Chem. Asian J. 7(1), 225-232 (2012). |
O-2 | (Nitronyl Nitroxide)-Substituted Trioxytriphenylamine Radical Cation Tetrachlorogallate Salt: A 2p-Electron-Based Weak Ferromagnet Composed of a Triplet Diradical Cationbr>
M. Kuratsu, S. Suzuki, M. Kozaki, D. Shiomi, K. Sato, T. Takui, T. Kanzawa, Y. Hosokoshi, X.-Z. Lan, Y. Miyazaki, A. Inaba, and K. Okada Chem. Asian J. 7(7), 1604-1609 (2012). |
O-3 | Polymorphism and Thermodynamic Functions of Liquid Crystalline Material 4-Cyano-3-fluorophenyl 4-butylbenzoate A. Inaba, H. Suzuki, M. Massalska-Arodź, and T. Rozwadowski J. Chem. Thermodyn. 54, 204-210 (2012). |
O-4 | Structural and Calorimetric Investigations of Highly Disordered Crystal [Co(NH3)6](BF4)3 N. Górska, A. Inaba, Y. Hirao, and E. Mikuli J. Coord. Chem. (2012) in press. |
O-5 | Effects of Carboxylate Anions on the Molecular Organization of H2O as Probed by 1-Propanol T. Kondo, Y. Miyazaki, A. Inaba and Y. Koga J. Phys. Chem. B 116(11), 3571-3577 (2012). |
O-6 | Glass Transitions in Pressure-Collapsed Ice Clathrates and Implications for Cold Water O. Andersson and A. Inaba J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3(15), 1951-1955 (2012). |
O-7 | The Effects of Sulphate and Tartrate Ions on the Molecular Organization of Water: Towards Understanding the Hofmeister Series (VI) Y. Koga, T. Kondo, Y. Miyazaki, and A. Inaba J. Solution Chem. 41(8), 1388-1400 (2012). |
O-8 | Structure, Molecular Motion, and Phase Transition of a Highly Disordered Crystal [Co(NH3)6](ClO4)3 N. Górska, A. Inaba, Y. Hirao, E. Mikuli, and K. Hołderna-Natkaniec 2(10), 4283-4291 (2012). |
O-9 | Phase Transitions and Reorientational Motions of [Al(OS(CH3)2)6](NO3)3 and Its Deuterated Analog N. Górska, A. Inaba, E. Szostak, and E. Mikuli Thermochim. Acta 533, 66-73 (2012). |
O-10 | Calorimetric and Vibrational Spectroscopic Investigations of Phase Transitions in Crystalline [Cr(OS(CH3)2)6](BF4)3 N. Górska, A. Inaba, and A. Migdał-Mikuli Vib. Spectrosc. 62, 222-228 (2012). |
O-11 | Thermodynamic Properties of κ-(BEDT-TTF)2X Salts: Electron Correlations and Superconductivity Y. Nakazawa and S. Yamashita Crystals 2(3), 741-761 (2012). |
O-12 | Vibrational Spectra of β″-Type BEDT-TTF Salts: Relationship between Conducting Property, Time-Averaged Site Charge and Inter-Molecular Distance T. Yamamoto Crystals 2(3), 893-934 (2012). |
O-13 | High-Pressure AC Calorimetry System Using Pt Chip Thermometer M. Danda, Y. Muraoka, T. Yamamoto, and Y. Nakazawa Netsu Sokutei W39, 29-32 (2012). |
O-14 | Rich Variety in the Ground States of [Pd(dmit)2]2 Salts, and the Methodology for Analysing Intra-Dimer Interactions, Inter-Dimer Interactions and MO Levels T. Yamamoto, Y. Nakazawa, M. Tamura, K. Yakushi, and R. Kato Phys. Status Solidi B 249(5), 971-974 (2012). |
O-15 | Magnetic Heat Capacities of κ-BETS2FeBr4 Measured by Micro-Chip Calorimeter S. Fukuoka, S. Yamashita, T. Yamamoto, Y. Nakazawa, A. Kobayashi, and H. Kobayashi Phys. Status Solidi C 9(5), 1174-1176 (2012). |
O-16 | Microchip-Calorimetry of Organic Charge Transfer Complex which Shows Superconductivity at Low Temperatures Y. Muraoka, S. Yamashita, T. Yamamoto, and Y. Nakazawa Thermochim. Acta 532, 88-91 (2012). |
O-17 | Phase Behavior of Aqueous Solutions of Copolymers of N,N′-Diisopropylfumaramide and N-Isopropylacrylamide: Effect of the Density of Side Chain A. Hashidzume, A. Matsumoto, T. Mori, T. Shikata, and T. Sato Langmuir 28(13), 5522-5526 (2012). |
O-18 | Complex Formation of Collagen Model Peptides with Polyelectrolytes and Stabilization of the Triple Helical Structure K. Terao, R. Kanenaga, T. Sato, K. Mizuno, and H. P. Bächinger Macromolecules 45(1), 392-400 (2012). |
O-19 | Self-Association of a Thermosensitive Poly(alkyl-2-oxazoline) Block Copolymer in Aqueous Solution R. Takahashi, T. Sato, K. Terao, X.-P. Qiu, and F. M. Winnik Macromolecules 45(15), 6111-6119 (2012). |
O-20 | Rigid Helical Conformation of Curdlan Tris(phenylcarbamate) in Solution T. Ochiai, K. Terao, Y. Nakamura, C. Yoshikawa, and T. Sato Polymer 53(18), 3946-3950 (2012). |
O-21 | Conformational Change of an Amylose Derivative in Chiral Solvents: Amylose Tris(n-butylcarbamate) in Ethyl Lactates S. Arakawa, K. Terao, S. Kitamura, and T. Sato Polym. Chem. 3(2), 472-478 (2012). |
O-22 | Colloidal Polyion Complexation from Sodium Poly(acrylate) and Poly(vinyl ammonium) Chloride in Aqueous Solution K. Ueno, H. Ueno, and T. Sato Polym. J. 44(1), 59-64 (2012). |
O-23* | 一本鎖 DNA の水溶液中での分子形態 玉田佳子,山本浩樹,寺尾 憲,佐藤尚弘 高分子論文集 69(7), 399-405 (2012). |
R-1* | 高分子溶液の粘度に関する分子理論 佐藤尚弘 高分子論文集 69(11), 613-622 (2012). |
B-1* | 大学院講義物理化学(第2版)V.固体の化学と物性,7.5 熱容量 中澤康浩(阿波賀邦夫,小谷正博,横山利彦編)A4,301頁 日本化学会編,化学同人(2012年3月26日発行). |
T-1* | アトキンス 物理化学要論(第5版)(P. W. Atkins and J. de Paula 著,The Elements of Physical Chemistry (5th edition)) 千原秀昭,稲葉 章(共訳)592頁 東京化学同人(2012年2月22日発行). |
M-1* | 高圧下熱容量測定による電子系の相転移に関する研究 段田麻佑,村岡佑樹,山下智史,中澤康浩 低温センター研究報告書(平成23年度)(2012) 印刷中. |
M-2* | はじめに 中澤康浩 熱測定 4, 172-173 (2012). |
M-3* | 第22回ICCT(International Conference of Chemical Thermodynamics)会議報告 中澤康浩 低温センター研究報告書(平成22年度)(2011) 印刷中. |
M-4* | 化学系教室の近況報告 中澤康浩,鬼塚清孝 永契会 News Letter 25, 1-2 (2012). |