Recent Publications
- 浦川理,杉原拓道,足立桂一郎
高分子加工, 51巻, 5号, pp.10-17, 2002
- O. Urakawa, Y. Fuse, H. Hori, Q. Tran-Cong, O. Yano
A dielectric study on the local dynamics of miscible polymer blends: poly(2-chlorostyrene)/poly(vinyl methyl ether)
Polymer, 42, pp.765-773, 2001
- M. Nakazawa, O. Urakawa, K. Adachi
Effect of Local Heterogeneity on Dielectric Relaxation Spectra in Concentrated Solutions of Poly(vinyl acetate) and Poly(vinyl octanoate)
Macromolecules, 33, 21, pp.7898-7904, 2000
M. Yada, M Nakazawa, O. Urakawa, Y. Morishima, K. Adachi
Effect of Local Heterogeneity on Dielectric Segmental Relaxation of Poly(vinyl acetate) in Concentrated Solution
Macromolecules, 33, 9, pp.3368-3374, 2000
- T. Okamoto, Y Imamura, O. Urakawa, Q. Tran-Cong
Polarization-induced intramolecular photodimerization in uniaxially stretched poly(methyl methacrylate)
J. Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 129, pp.147-156, 1999
- K. Kataoka, O. Urakawa, H. Nishioka, Q. Tran-Cong
- Directional Phase Separation of Binary Polymer Blends Driven by Photo-Cross-Linking
with Linearly Polarized Light
- Macromolecules, 31, 25, pp.8809-8816, 1998
- O. Urakawa, Q. Tran-Cong, O. Yano, A.I.Nakatani, C.C.Han
- Small Angle Neutron Scattering Studies on the Phase Behavior of Binary
Polymer Blends Driven by Photoisomerization
- Macromolecules, 31, 22, pp.7962-7965,
- T. Ohta, O. Urakawa, Q. Tran-Cong
- Phase Separation of Binary Polymer Blends Driven by Photoisomerization:
An Example for a Wavelength Selection Process in Polymers
- Macromolecules, 31, 20, pp.6845-6854, 1998
- Q. Tran-Cong, K. Kataoka, O. Urakawa
- Symmetry breaking in phase separation of binary polymer mixtures induced
by linearly polarized light
- Phys.Rev.E, 57, 2, pp.R1243-R1246, 1998
- Y. Yamaguchi, T. Okamoto, O. Urakawa, Q. Tran-Cong
- Effects of Physical Aging on Polarization-Induced Photodimerization
in the Glassy Region of Poly(methyl methacrylate)
- Polym.J., 30, 5, pp.414-420, 1998
- O. Urakawa, M. Takahashi, T. Masuda
- Nonlinear Relaxation Behavior of Entangled Polymer Melts in Several
Deformation Fields
- J Soc Rheol Japan, 25, 4, pp.191-192, 1997
Q. Tran-Cong, A. Harada, K. Kataoka, T. Ohta, and O. Urakawa
Positive feedback driven by concentration fluctuations in asymmetrically
photo-cross-linked polymer mixtures
Phys.Rev.E, 55, pp. R6340-R6343, 1997
Q. Tran-Cong, T. Ohta, and O. Urakawa
Soft-mode Suppression in the Phase Separation of Binary Polymer Mixtures
Driven by a Reversible Chemical Reaction
Phys.Rev.E, 56, pp. R59-R62, 1997
- O. Urakawa, H. Watanabe
- Dielectric Relaxation of Dipole-Inverted cis-Polyisoprene in Solutions:
Concentration Dependence of the Second Mode Relaxation Time.
- Macromolecules, 30, 3, pp.652-654, 1997