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Exploitation of Coordination Molecular Technology That Leads to the Creation of New Conceptual Ionic Solids with New Functionalities

The digold(I) complex having 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane, [Au2(DHpen)2(dppe)], serves as a chiral bis(tridentate-N,O,S) metalloligand toward CoIII to form a cationic S-bridged AuI4CoIII2 hexanuclear complex, [Au4Co2(dppe)2(D-pen)4]2+. Remarkably, this hexanuclear complex was found to crystallize with ClO4- to form metallosupramolecular ionic crystals, in which 6 AuI4CoIII2 complex-cations are self-assembled to form a big octahedral supramolecule, with the concomitant aggregation of 10 ClO4- anions into an amazing adamantine-like anionic cluster.

Hexamer of AuI4CoIII2 complex-cations (left) and decamer of 10 ClO4- anions (right)

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