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research interests

Exploitation of Coordination Molecular Technology That Leads to the Creation of New Conceptual Ionic Solids with New Functionalities

The purpose of this study is to exploit a new molecular technology based on coordination chemistry, that is ‘Coordination Molecular Technology’, which leads to the creation of new conceptual ionic solids having a novel view of materials. In this study, a new class of ionic solids, in which non-Coulombic interactions govern the spatial arrangement of cations and anions, will be rationally synthesized by means of the size enlargement and the surface functionality for ionic metal complexes. This should lead to the discovery of novel phenomena that have never found in known ionic solids, as well as the creation of novel functionalities needed for the innovation in scientific technology.

Creation of Metalloaggregates Based on Metalloligand

The design and creation of homometallic and heterometallic molecular aggregates that possess unique structures and properties have attracted increasing attention. While the most common approach to creating metalloaggregates is the use of functional organic ligands that can bridge two or more metal centers, our efforts have concentrated on the use of thiolato metal complexes as an S-donating metalloligand.

Chiral Recognition and Aggregation of Metal Complexes

Considerable attention has been paid to the rational synthesis of chiral metal compounds in the field of coordination stereochemistry. This has been stimulated by the growing interest in the design and creation of well-organized metallo-supramolecular species, the overall structures of which can be controlled by the chirality of their building blocks. Our research interest has been directed toward this subject, focusing on the metal-assisted aggregation of chiral complex-units containing aminothiolate-type ligands.

Development of S-Bridged Polynuclear Complexes

We have been interested in the development of sulfur-bridged polynuclear complexes with various thiolate ligands, which exhibit unique molecular structures, electronic states, and chemical properties.