Department of Chemistry Graduate School of Science, The University of Osaka

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

Research Institute for Cell Engineering (RICE)


  • Takahisa TAGUCHI (Guest Professor)


  1. Dynamics of living neuronal networks.
  2. In vivo reconnection technologies for neuronal networks.
  3. Functional materials that respond to extrastimulation.
    -Polymer actuators driven by low electric fields.
    -Smart nano and microcapsules.
    -Functional artificial lipid bilayer membranes.

Informational processing in the brain is performed in networks that consist of many neuronal cells. Because the synapses are considered to be a key component of processing, we investigate the structure and function of these components in brain slices and cultured neurons using biophysical, molecular biological, and control technologies. To reconstruct the damaged neuronal circuits, we are developing a reconnection technology that uses specific proteins to promote neuronal outgrowth. In addition to this biological approach, we study functional materials, including polymer actuators that bend considerably under the application of low voltages, smart capsules for controlled-release, and artificial lipid bilayer membranes for sensing devices. We strive to establish cellular engineering methods using trans-disciplinary research in biotechnology and polymer sciences.