ICCT2023 Open Lecture
Global warming, energy problems, and chemical thermodynamics
We will provide online streaming to those who have registered for the open lecture. Please click the link below, and enter the access code to view the content. We will send the code to the registered contact.
The due date for applying for the open lecture was extended to July 24th (Monday).
The IUPAC International Conference on CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS(ICCT2023) holds public lectures.
At ICCT2023, the discussion based on the latest research results will be perfomed by experts in chemical thermodynamics , which is the basis of environmental science, energy science, and material science (see the "ICCT2023 homepage" for details).
In conjunction with this occasion, we will hold a public lecture for the public to explain in an easy-to-understand manner how chemical thermodynamics is related to global warming and energy issues.
In this public lecture, Dr. Katsunori Yogo and Dr. Masayuki Kamimoto two leading researchers in Japan, will talk about their research on global warming mechanisms and renewable energy in an easy-to-understand manner.
Dr. Katsunori Yogo
(The Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE))
Dr. Masayuki Kamimoto
(Institute of Regional Innovation (IRI), HIROSAKI University)
Date: July 30, 2023, 14:00-16:30 (Open from 13:00)
Place: "Senri Life Science Center"
Language: Japanese
How to participate: Please register for the public lecture using the application form.
"Open lecture participation application form"
Capacity 300 (if the number exceeds the capacity, please attend as online participants).
Due date: July 11th 24th
E-mail: icct2023_office@chem.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp
1. Opening remarks
ICCT2023 Organizing Committee Chair
University of Tsukuba Professor
Kazuya Saito
2. Lecture 1 by Katsunari Yogo
3. Lecture 2 by Masayuki Kamimoto
4. Closing Remarks
ICCT2023 Local Committee
Osaka University Professor
Hiroyasu Nakazawa
Organized by
Grant from